11 / Jan / 2022
How to Ask a Guy to the Prom
Are you wondering how to ask a guy you like to the prom? Well, you're not alone. Plenty of girls learns (through movies, books, and T.V shows) that the only way to get a prom date is for a guy to muster the courage to ask a girl out.

Are you wondering how to ask a guy you like to the prom? Well, you're not alone. Plenty of girls learns (through movies, books, and T.V shows) that the only way to get a prom date is for a guy to muster the courage to ask a girl out.
Anyway, there's nothing wrong with a girl doing the asking in this day and age. One of the best ways of ensuring you have a prom date is to get creative. If you're nervous about asking a guy out to prom, don't worry about it. By the time you're finished with this article, you should be a little more confident.
Know Where You Stand
Before you even pop up the question, you have to evaluate the kind of relationship you and the guy have. Whether you've known him as your friend for a while, or you've just met and would like to know him better will be the guiding light on how you will begin your approach.
Make Yourself Available
Next, you have to show the guy you're interested in asking that you are available as a potential prom date. If you're already friends, ask him whether there's someone he's going with or if there's someone he's been thinking of asking. If he doesn't have someone, let him know that you don't either.
Doing this will make him see that you are a potential date, and since you're already friends, you could both have a good time. If he doesn't suggest that you both go together, he either doesn't get it or doesn't want to go with you.
Keep in mind that you can ask whether he'd be interested in going as friends. If he says no, it's ok. Keep the situation light by making a joke out of it.
Asking a Guy You Like
Asking a guy you like will be a little more complex than asking a friend. Don't walk up to him and ask whether he'd like to go to prom with you. It would be best if you had a little more tact. Bring up a conversation about prom, then see if he's interested in going at all.
If he's going, ask him whether he already has someone. Tell him that you also want to go but have no date yet if he doesn't. At this point, you want to wait and see if he'll ask you. If he doesn't, ask him if you can both go together.
Let Your Friend Do the Asking for You
Sometimes, we have to rely on our friends to do the heavy lifting for us. Let a friend take over and determine whether the guy has a date. If he doesn't, she could mention that you don't either and ask on your behalf. Make sure that your friend asks when there's no one else around because guys might get embarrassed in front of a crowd.
Write Him a Letter
If you're too nervous about facing the guy, you can write him a letter. Tell him that you have no date, you know that he doesn't either, and it would be fun if the two of you could go together.
I hope this helps in getting that prom date. Remember to carry your courage and confidence with you because it will make a difference.
How to Ask a Guy to the Prom | Blog Article | Carolina Soma | All Rights Reserved | Greenville SC | 1/2022